Lotus and Ducks 荷花雙鳧圖 (軸)
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
Colophon:Colophon by Wu Changshuo 吳昌碩 (1844-1927)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1696
MEDIUM:Hangingscroll; ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):185.0 x 95.8cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang
Cedar Tree, Day Lily, and Wagtails 椿萱鶺鴒圖 (軸)
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,1700
MEDIUM:Hangingscroll; ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):173.7 x 92.6cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang
Two Geese 雙雁圖 (軸)
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1700
MEDIUM:Hangingscroll; ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):184.1 x 90.6cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Small Birds, Bamboo and Rocks 竹石小鳥圖 (軸)
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705), Addition and two colophonsby Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien) (China, 1899-1983)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,1692
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):270.8 x 93.7cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Crouching Cat 艾虎圖 (軸)
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,1699
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):164.0 x 90.6cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Five Pines Mountain 五松山圖 (軸)
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705),Calligrapher:Ye Dehui (1864-1927)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1698
MEDIUM:Hangingscroll, ink and color on paper
DIMENSION(S):112.4 x 43.4cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Peonies 芍藥圖 (軸)
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1699?
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):87.3 x 44.2 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang
Flowers and Calligraphy 玉簪花圖並草書節錄姜夔《續書譜》 (冊頁兩開裱軸)
TYPE:Hanging scroll(2 album leaves)
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,1702-04
MEDIUM:Two albumleaves mounted as one hanging scroll; ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):30.1 x 34.2 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Lotus 荷花圖 (冊・八頁)
TYPE:Album (8leaves)
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1665
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):25.4 x 33.6 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang
Falling Flower 落花圖 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1692
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):22.5 x 28.5 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang
Buddha's Hand Citron 佛手圖 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1692
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):22.7 x 28.6 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Hibiscus 芙蓉圖 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1692
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):22.6 x 28.6 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Lotus Pod 蓮蓬圖 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1692
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):22.6 x 28.6 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Lilac and Calligraphy 丁香花圖并行草題跋 (兩冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaves
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1690
MEDIUM:Two albumleaves; ink and color on paper
DIMENSION(S):20.1 x 14.6 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1690
MEDIUM:Ink and coloron paper
DIMENSION(S):149.1 x 64.1cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang
Copy of Landscapes by Dong Qichang 撫董其昌《臨古山水》 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1697
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):31.1 x 24.7 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang
Landscape after Ni Zan and calligraphy in standard 倣倪迂山水并楷書題跋 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1703-05
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):25.1 x 32.3 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang
Combined Album of Painting and Calligraphy 書畫合冊 (九頁)
TYPE:Album (9leaves)
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705),Calligrapher:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705), Frontispiece by Shanqi,Prince Su 肅親王善耆 (1866-1922),Colophon:Colophon by Wu Changshuo 吳昌碩 (1844-1927), Colophon by Naito Torajiro (1866-1934)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,ca. 1693 and 1696
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):25.4 x 17.1 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang
ureof the Inner Radiances of the Yellow Court in running-standard 行楷書《黃庭內景經》四節 (冊・十二頁)
TYPE:Album (12 leaves)
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, 1684
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):22.0 x 11.7 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Copyof the "Half-Stele of Xingfu Temple" in running-standard 行楷臨《興福寺半截碑》 (冊 ・廿頁)
TYPE:Album (20 leaves)
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705), Colophon by Tang Yunsong (jinshi 1840)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, 1699
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):25.3 x 8.8 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest from thecollection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. Shao F.Wang
Poemby Bai Juyi in running-cursive 行草書白居易《北窗三友詩》 (三頁)
TYPE:Album leaves(three)
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, 1700
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):31.4 x 23.5 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Copyof Two Letters by Huang Daozhou in running-cursive 行草書臨黃道周尺牘 (兩冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaves (two)
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1702-1705
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):32.0 x 42.6 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Poemby Geng Wei in cursive 草書耿湋《題清源寺詩》 (軸)
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:BadaShanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1699
MEDIUM:Hanging scroll; inkon paper
DIMENSION(S):154.8 x 75.1 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest from thecollection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. Shao F.Wang.
Excerptfrom "Preface to the Gathering at the River" in running-standard 行楷書《臨河集序》 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1697
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):26.2 x 19.0 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Poemby Han Yu in running-standard 行楷節錄韓愈《送李愿歸盤谷序》 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1697
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):26.2 x 19.2 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Poemby Sun Ti in running-standard 行楷書孫逖《奉和李右相中書壁畫山水詩》 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1697
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):26.2 x 19.1 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Poemby Du Fu in running-standard 行楷書杜甫《戲題王宰畫山水圖歌詩》 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1697
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):26.1 x 19.2 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Poemby Zhang Jiuling in running-standard 行楷書張九齡《題畫山水障詩》 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1697
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):26.1 x 19.2 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Poemby Yan Fang in running-standard 行楷臨王寵書閻防《夕次鹿門山作詩》 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1697
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):30.0 x 34.3 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Poemby Zeng Gong in running-standard 行楷書曾鞏《山水屏詩》 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaves (two)
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1697
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):26.0 x 51.6 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Landscapeafter Dong Yuan 仿北苑山水圖 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1693
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):26.5 x 14.3 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
Excerptfrom the "Preface to the Sacred Teachings" in running-standard 行楷節臨褚遂良書《聖教序》 (冊頁)
TYPE:Album leaf
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1693
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):26.5 x 14.3 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
TangPoem in running-cursive 行草書唐詩
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,1702-03
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):274.2 x 61.2 cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest from thecollection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. Shao F.Wang.
Tang Poem in running-cursive 行草書唐詩
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,1702-03
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):274.4 x 61.2cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Tang Poem in running-cursive 行草書唐詩
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,1702-03
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):274.1 x 61.3cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Tang Poem in running-cursive 行草書唐詩
TYPE:Hanging scroll
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷) (1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty,1702-03
MEDIUM:Ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):274.1 x 61.1cm
CREDIT LINE:Bequest fromthe collection of Wang Fangyu and Sum Wai, donated in their memory by Mr. ShaoF. Wang.
Coupletin running 行書五言對聯
TYPE:Hanging scrolls(pair)
MAKER(S):Artist:Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)(1626-1705)
HISTORICAL PERIOD(S):Qing dynasty, ca.1702
MEDIUM:Pair of hangingscrolls; ink on paper
DIMENSION(S):140.8 x 30.4 cm
CREDIT LINE:Purchase -- fundsprovided by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation in honor of the75th Anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art.
甲戌夏至退翁先生属书 八大山人 【钤】黄竹园(白文方形印)八大山人(白文方形印)
瓶花 【花押】个相如吃【钤】八大山人(朱文无框屐形印)
玉兰 【款】 八大山人 【钤】禊堂(白文长方形印)
山水 【题识】向者约南登,往复宗公子。荆巫水一斛,已涉图画里。
竹石 【款】 八大山人【钤】个相如吃(白文方形印)
鳜鱼 【题识】左右此何水,名之曰曲河。更求渊注处,料得晚霞多。
八大山人画并题 【钤】八大山人(朱文无框屐形印)禊堂(白文长方形印)
鸟石 【款】黄竹园画 八大山人【钤】黄竹园(白文方形印)
荷花 【花押】个相如吃【钤】在芙山房(白文方形印)
猫 【题识】林公不二门,出入王与许。如公《法华》疏,象喻者笼虎。
荷花小鸟 【花押】个相如吃【钤】在芙(白文长方形印)
葡萄 【花押】个相如吃 【钤】艾(朱文长方形印
小鱼 【题识】到此偏怜憔悴人,缘何花下两三旬。定昆明在鱼儿放,木芍药开金马春。
巨石 【题识】闻君善吹笛,已是无踪迹。乘舟上车去,一听主与客。
瓜鼠 【款】黄竹园画 八大山人【钤】可得神仙(白文方形印)
花 【花押】 三月十九日 【款】 八大山人【钤】个相如吃(白文方形印)
芙蓉 【花押】个相如吃【钤】忝鸥兹(朱文长方形印)
水仙 【款】拾得【钤】何园(朱文方形印)
双禽 【花押】个相如吃 【钤】艾(朱文长方形印)
水仙 【花押】个相如吃【钤】八大山人(朱文无框屐形印)
书法【钤】在芙山房(白文方形印) 八大山人(白文方形印)
八大山人(朱文无框屐形印) 【鉴藏印】 武林袁氏春圃珍藏印泥门宝秘
鹌鹑 【题识】竟作一日谈,胸怀若雄雌。黄金并白日,都负五坊儿。
山水 【题识】蓬莱水清浅。为退翁先生写 壬午一阳之日拾得
【钤】八大山人(朱文无框屐形印) 拾得(白文长方形印)